Rehab treatment centers submit that family support in addiction treatment is important for the individual struggling with drug addiction. Trying to cope with a family member that has alcohol and drug addiction can be frustrating and difficult as you try to convince the family member to get help, especially if they are not willing to listen. In many cases, the family member with an addiction wants help, but their family is in denial or they are unsure how to proceed. Other concerns may be that nobody knows how to discuss the topic of addiction, or there may be a breakdown in communication or in the family dynamic. These are typical concerns that families experience when there is a drug use problem.

It is important for families to know that the majority of individuals who are successful in overcoming their drug addiction do so because they had family support for their drug rehab and treatment.

Communication is a Key Factor :

Keeping the lines of communication open when you have a family member that has drug addiction is an important key to showing family support, but it will take patience. Every family is different and there is no perfect model that will work for every family. Although some television programs promote the idea of a confrontational intervention as the way to show family support for a family member with an addiction, this method is only effective at driving families further apart.

Hold Judgments and Name Calling :

Addiction specialists and family liaisons suggest that holding back judgments, manipulations, name calling and labeling is the best approach. Professionals point out that the more open the lines of communication, the more calm the situation and the more likely that your loved one will get the help that need. In addition, a positive approach rather than an accosting one can help not just one, but the entire family as well by addressing other unresolved issues.

Family Support is Crucial to Success:

Continued family support in addiction treatment is crucial to your loved one’s success in their program. Whether the family member is addiction treatment is in a 28 day, 6 week or 12 steps program, or if they are in an alternative program such as cognitive behavioral therapy or holistic program; if they know that they have family support and encouragement they are more likely to be successful in their sobriety.

Research has shown that an inpatient program seems to be more effective at long term success than outpatient programs and a program that helps the individual struggling with drug dependency address their choices and behaviors has proven to be more effective than a program that treats the individual as if they have a disease and are not in control of their actions.
Drug rehabilitation can help improve your life because it will offer a drug free environment. Rehab can remove you from a dangerous environment that is full of triggers and bad influences. A woman in rehab will be in a calm, focused environment where she can maintain a healthy lifestyle and learn to make healthy choices.