Effects of Cathinones Abuse

Cathinone is an intoxicant found in khat, a plant grown in Yemen, Ethiopia, Somalia and other countries near the Horn of Africa. It is a mild and addictive stimulant that is released into the body when the leaves of this plant are chewed. The trafficking of this plant is very limited because the drug loses its stimulating qualities very quickly after harvesting.

But synthetic cathinones are a different matter. These are strong and dangerous stimulants invented in a laboratory. Chemically, they resemble the intoxicant in the khat plant. But unlike the plant, they have had deadly effects for too many people.

Drugs in this class include mephedrone, MDPV (3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone) and methylone. These are the primary chemicals that were originally found in the drugs that were labeled “bath salts.” Bath salts are not really substances for the bath, they are only labeled this way to circumvent certain laws. If a substance is not meant for human consumption, different laws apply to it. So sellers would label their drugs “not for human consumption” or “for a refreshing bath.” Or they would label the powder as some other non-consumable product, like jewelry cleaner, glass cleaner, plant food or research chemicals.

As adverse effects of cathinones began to show up, law enforcement personnel were powerless to stop the sale of the drugs because there was no law on the books that applied to them. It took many months for state legislatures to catch up, enabling local police to seize the products and so get them off the market.

The Most Adverse Effects Possible

People abusing these drugs hear that they will have more energy, be the life of the party, enjoy sex more – and that the substances will be undetectable by drug test. At one time, they were not detectable. Drug tests weren’t looking for those chemicals. This is no longer true – up to a point. Drug tests now can detect more than a dozen of these chemicals but there are many more of these drugs being added to the list every month.

Cathinones are included in the group of “designer drugs” – so called because all a chemist has to do to evade seizures by law enforcement is design a new molecule. Change the chemical structure in some tiny way and the seller can claim that this is a new drug. There are hundreds of synthetic drugs in this and similar classes that are being watched in Europe and the US to determine their dangers. In the US, the original cathinones have been banned by federal law and most states have followed suit.

The result of the utter immorality of cathinone chemists is that thousands of people have suffered dangerous or even deadly effects of cathinones. Many have lost their lives, sometimes at their own hands.

These drugs are said to be similar in effect to cocaine or methamphetamine. But whereas cocaine and methamphetamine use are not likely to result in hallucinations, delusions, psychosis and suicide, these effects are more likely when a person uses cathinones.

The Dangerous and Not-so-Dangerous Effects of Cathinones

  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Aggression
  • Agitation
  • Overheating
  • Increased energy and alertness
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Delusions
  • High blood pressure
  • Hallucinations
  • Palpitations
  • Liver failure
  • Kidney failure
  • Paranoia
  • Suicidal thoughts or actions

Rehab Can Save Lives

If a person is abusing drugs and has not yet started abusing cathinones, the family has a chance to get him (or her) into rehab and thereby prevent the serious effects of these drugs. If he has started abusing these drugs, as determined by the list of effects above, or by evidence such as empty packages with labeling as described above, then the family should waste no time. These drugs are highly addictive and once he starts, he may not be able to stop.

Losing a life due to drug abuse is a terrible waste. The Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program has saved many lives from overdose or accidental death – or from jail. It is an eight to ten week program, on average, that gives a person who has lost everything a chance to rebuild. What most people find is that if they are willing to engage with the program and do their best, they can achieve the result of a lasting sobriety. They can regain the skills for making drug-free decisions, every day for the rest of their lives.

It takes most people eight to ten weeks to work through all the recovery, learning and repair steps of this program. Some people need more time to gain the ability and confidence to live drug-free. Graduation arrives when the lessons have been learned, when one’s self-respect has been restored, and when one knows how to repair the relationships that took such a beating.

Families say that they have their loved ones back again, as they graduate from program.

Benzodiazepine effects (Valium, Xanax)

Effects of Benzodiazepine Abuse

pouring pills into hand

People start abusing benzodiazepines (also called “benzos”) usually in one of two different ways. They may start taking them as prescribed, then progress to taking more than ordered. Or they may start out by getting them illicitly and then become addicted to them. As a person abuses this type of drug, they develop a tolerance and need more and more to produce the sedated, tranquilized effect that results from the drugs in this broad class.

There are fifteen benzodiazepines distributed in the US and another 20 sold elsewhere. They have a high potential for abuse and addiction. When used properly, they can be short-term solutions for sleep problems, anxiety, stress reactions like panic attacks and muscle spasms. In some contexts, they help prevent seizures (like during withdrawal from heavy alcohol abuse).

Primary Effects of Abusing Benzodiazepines

A person using benzos is likely to look drowsy and sleepy, lack coordination, and be hostile and irritable. He or she may have vivid and disturbing dreams. Of course, two of the main effects of abuse are the development of a tolerance and addiction.

A person may not manifest anxiety even if that reaction might be normal for a situation. As several benzodiazepines are used in hospital settings before surgery, the fact that they cause amnesia is considered a plus. So the person abusing benzodiazepines may have a poor memory and complete amnesia of some events.

When benzodiazepines are abused with other drugs, the effect can be coma or death. Hundreds of thousands of people go to US emergency rooms each year for problems with benzodiazepine abuse.

Cognitive Losses from Benzodiazepine Abuse

For quite some time, it was disputed that benzodiazepine use interfered with one’s ability to learn. In 2005, a study was published that stated that not only did the use of benzodiazepines interfere with visuospatial ability, speed of processing thoughts and perceptions and the ability to absorb verbal lessons, but also after a person withdrew from benzodiazepine use, these abilities did not fully return. Those who used benzodiazepines over a longer period of time were more impaired. It is interesting to note that while prescribing instructions specifically state that benzodiazepines should not be given for a long term, the participants in this study had been taking this type of drug for an average of nine years.

Driving and Pregnancy Dangers

Consistent with loss of visuospatial ability and speed of processing, it was found that benzodiazepine use was associated with driving problems like deviation from one’s lane. Those tested the day after taking benzodiazepines showed a similar loss of driving skills similar to a blood alcohol concentration of .05 to .10 (the federally mandated legal limit is .08).

In the elderly, these types of changes are reported to result in an increased number of falls. A woman who takes benzodiazepines during pregnancy risks having her baby develop a cleft in the mouth, withdrawal symptoms and floppy infant syndrome, a condition in which the baby lacks muscle tone and does not develop normally.

Withdrawing from Benzodiazepines

All central nervous system depressants (the category that benzodiazepines and other sedatives or sleep aids fall into) work by slowing the brain’s activity. When the person stops taking them, there is often a rebound effect that can mean seizures or other harmful consequences.

Withdrawal from benzodiazepines can be difficult and usually will need to be done in a medical detoxification program.

All of those going through benzodiazepine withdrawal experience:

  • Perceptual distortions
  • Paraesthesia, defined as abnormal skin sensations such as tingling, tickling, itching or burning
  • Difficult walking
  • Anxiety
  • Tension
  • Agitation
  • Restlessness
  • Sleep disturbance/insomnia

In addition, some people experienced:

  • Feelings of unreality
  • Extreme dysphoria (depression, unease, dissatisfaction with life)
  • Depersonalization (state in which a person feels that their feelings or thoughts belong to someone other than himself/herself; loss of sense of personal identity)
  • Feelings of persecution
  • Paranoid thoughts
  • Pain/headache
  • Seizures
  • Depression

Occasionally, those withdrawing experienced:

  • Psychosis
  • Confusional states
  • Fits

More extreme withdrawal symptoms are more likely for the person who has been abusing this drug for a long time or at a high dosage.

Recovering from Benzodiazepine Addiction

Despite the long list of withdrawal effects and the damage created by benzodiazepine abuse, it is possible to recover lasting sobriety after addiction to this drug. In the case of benzodiazepines, the first step for some people might be a medical detox to step down off high dosages. Once this is done, the Narconon program can take over providing sobriety. Early in the program, one phase of the overall recovery program addresses the residues left behind by these drugs. Using a sauna, a strict regimen of nutritional supplements and moderate daily exercise, the Narconon New Life Detoxification flushes out these residues and results in a resurgence of interest in life and clearer thinking.

Once this is done, each person proceeds to repair the damage done by addiction and learn or re-learn the life skills needed to stay sober.

Find out how the Narconon drug recovery program can help someone you care about who is addicted to benzodiazepines.

Effects of Barbiturates Abuse (Seconal, Nembutal)

Barbiturate effects (Seconal, Nembutal)

The primary desirable effect of barbiturates – from a doctor’s viewpoint – is that they tend to induce sleep. For a person who is sleepless and anxious, these drugs offer a solution. But as long as doctors have prescribed barbiturates like Nembutal, Seconal, Amytal and others, there have been people abusing these drugs and becoming addicted to them. And just as long, there have been people who have been overdosing on these drugs and losing their lives.

One of the reasons that people lose their lives on barbiturates is that the dose that will kill a person is not that much more than the dose that will help them sleep.

When someone is using this drug recreationally, they are looking for the “drunkenness,” the lowered inhibitions, the euphoria that accompanies use of the drug, or they may just be seeking the sedated feeling they get.

There are other effects that also can tip off a person who is trying to understand changes in a person who has secretly started abusing these drugs:

  • Dulled, slow thinking
  • Emotional instability, swinging from laughter to tears easily
  • Irritation, antagonism
  • Slurring, stumbling speech
  • Lack of motor control that can cause a person to drop items
  • Poor physical coordination
  • Confusion

While a person in normal condition might be concerned with these changes, the sense of well-being and tranquility a person experiences because of the drug use may disable them from feeling this concern.

Unfortunately, if someone gets confused about how many pills they have taken, he (or she) may take more and unintentionally wind up with an overdose that kills him. Also, a person who is abusing barbiturates is also at greater risk of pneumonia or bronchitis as the drug affects the body’s normal ability to breathe.

Who Seeks the Effects of Abusing Barbiturates?

There are four different types of people seeking the effects of barbiturate abuse and they have different reasons for doing so.

  • Youth may abuse barbiturates so they can experience the drunken feelings that result. They are not very likely to understand that this can be a deadly drug.
  • An adult who abuses stimulants may look for a barbiturate to help them come down so they can rest or appear “normal” to others.
  • A person who is addicted to heroin or prescription opiates may seek barbiturates to give their dose of heroin more kick, or if they can’t get their hands on opiates at the moment.

And a person who has been taking these drugs as prescribed may find that they have to increase their dosage to get the desired effects. They may get their doctor to increase their dosage as they build up a tolerance and so need more of the drug to get the same effect. Or if there is any problem with their doctor giving them the drug, they may seek other doctors to get the drugs they feel they now need. This puts them into a category of prescription fraud through “doctor-shopping,” going from doctor to doctor, getting multiple prescriptions.

Coming off Barbiturates

anxiety from withdrawal

It’s not the easiest thing to come off this drug so a person can get sober. Many people will need the support of close physician supervision, medical detox, or if he (or she) has really come to rely on the drug to get through the day, a complete rehabilitation program.

A person trying to get clean will start to hit withdrawal within 24 hours of the last dose. The effects of withdrawal include anxiety, insomnia, tremors, even delirium and seizures among heavy users. Some people will need to taper off this drug.

When the drug has finally been discontinued, the best thing the addicted person can do is to get the help of a thorough rehabilitation program that enables him to once again get control of his life. This is the role of the Narconon drug and alcohol rehab program for thousands of people each year.

People come to Narconon for help with all kinds of drugs, from inhalants to alcohol to prescription drugs to club drugs and more. This is a thorough, eight to twelve-week program that never uses substitute drugs as part of treatment. It has been found that a person must learn to live a completely sober life for recovery to be lasting. Reliance on drugs like methadone, buprenorphine, suboxone or anti-drinking drugs do not really teach a person how to build a sober life. Nor do they allow him to learn what it feels like to be completely sober again.

The Narconon drug recovery program takes the idea of being drug-free a step further. Each person on this program will go through a deep detoxification phase called the Narconon New Life Detoxification. This is a process that involves time in a sauna, nutritional supplements, and moderate daily exercise. This combination enables the body to start flushing out old drug toxins. Instead of each person carrying a burden of old drug residues, they can be flushed out on this program. The effect of this detox is clearer, brighter thinking, a better outlook on life and a greater ability to learn sober living skills.

At the end of this program, each graduate is much better prepared to create a new drug-free life to replace the one that was destroyed by addiction.

Find out more about this program that can help you bring someone back after barbiturate addiction or addiction to any drug.

Effects of Bath Salts Abuse

Bath salts is the street name for a group of often changing synthetic drugs on the illicit market, so the full effects of using bath salts is not fully known. Medical personnel who come across someone who is in a full-blown delusion as a result of bath salts may not recognize the effects and may not know what to do. Even drug tests may not determine that bath salts were involved in a serious adverse effect since the newest tests only detect fourteen common chemicals used in these formulas. There are more than eighty chemicals that might be included in these small packets.

This group of drugs is referred to as “cathinones.” It is a class of stimulants that creates aggression and hallucinations. One or more of these substances are packaged in small foil packages and labeled “bath salts, for a soothing bath, not for human consumption.” The most common drugs to be included are mephedrone, methylone and methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV).

Until very recently, bath salts were being sold in convenience stores and head shops. Federal laws banned the drugs many months ago but until states followed these laws with their own bans, it was hard to seize the drugs and prosecute. Now 31 US states have outlawed these drugs, and serious effects like trips to the emergency room have begun to drop as a result.

Short-Term Effects

Bath salts effects tend to last about three or four hours, but rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure and other effects of a stimulant may last longer.

High doses have caused intense and extended panic attacks in some people. Since this drug is a stimulant, it tends to disrupt sleep. A person who takes the drug frequently may suffer from sleep-deprivation psychosis. Addiction is also a very likely effect.

Mental, Emotional and Physical Effects

anxiety caused by bath salts

Mentally, the user will experience euphoria, alertness, anxiety, and agitation. He will probably not feel hungry. He may have a headache, tense muscles, increased body temperature, nosebleeds and dilated pupils. He may also be dizzy and confused and may grind his teeth. But those are the milder effects.

The more serious effects include fits, hallucinations, aggression, suicidal thoughts or attempts and psychotic delusions. Physically, a person can experience liver failure, kidney failure, loss of bowel control and rhabdomyolysis, a spontaneous breakdown of muscle fiber that can lead to death.

Deaths and Injuries Due to Bath Salts

Tragically, one of the effects of bath salts abuse is death, either because of the direct effect of the drug or because of a person’s actions. In March 2011, a young man in New Jersey killed his girlfriend while he was under the influence of bath salts. A young woman who injected bath salts lost the arm the drugs were injected into, her shoulder, breast and other tissue after a flesh-eating bacteria destroyed the muscles in that part of her body. She survived.

A young man in Louisiana thought his house was surrounded by police and tried to cut his own throat. His family stopped him and the cut was stitched up, but he succeeded in shooting himself the next day. These are only a few of the many stories of self-destruction and harm resulting from bath salts consumption.

In 2010, there were 304 calls to poison control centers about this drug, but more than 6,000 in 2011. Since the drugs have been banned in 31 states, there have only been 2,250 in the first six months of 2012.

A Sober Person Does Not Run these Risks

Every drug of abuse is associated with harm—addiction, the decline of personal integrity and happiness, illness, incarceration, hallucinations, and delusions that can lead one to harm others—the list is almost endless. The only way to avoid these risks is to remain sober.

For some people, this is a choice they can’t make, as they are already addicted. Whether the addiction is to an opiate, alcohol, a stimulant like this one or any other substance, hope of lasting recovery is available at Narconon centers around the world.

Learn how a loved one can leave addiction behind and stay safely sober.

Effects of Amphetamine Abuse

Every kind of drug abuse creates damage, but the abuse of amphetamine may create some of the most serious effects. Amphetamine is a strong stimulant that speeds up the heart and breathing and dilates the eyes. It increases blood pressure and makes the mouth dry. Bypassing all the body’s normal capabilities for creating energy, amphetamine makes a person feel alert and powerful. Fatigue and hunger go away so the amphetamine abuser does not eat or rest.

Amphetamine on the table

But an amphetamine abuser may fall into the trap of not wanting this feeling to end. He (or she) will continue to abuse amphetamine until the drug runs out or until the body just crashes, unable to sustain any more activity. It’s this pattern of extended binges of amphetamine abuse that really create the most serious effect on the body.

The amphetamine user will become emaciated and malnourished if these binges are repeated. He is likely to look gaunt and unhealthy. Since amphetamine is highly addictive, he will suffer strong cravings for the drug that bar his path back to sobriety.

The effects of amphetamine on the addict’s personality are similarly harsh and harmful. When heavily used or when it is abused at length, serious mental effects frequently occur, such as aggressive, paranoid hostility. There is even a form of psychosis that can occur as an effect of extended amphetamine abuse. Some people suffer from hallucinations that could prompt dangerously violent behavior.

Physically, the effects of heavy amphetamine abuse include chest pain, heart failure and convulsions. While the person still uses the drug, he is likely to be unaware of the serious effects of the drug. But if he tries to stop, he is going to find out what is really going on.

Coming off Amphetamine

depression from coming off amphetamines

A person trying to get off his steady diet of amphetamine is going to experience very sharp cravings for the drug. Many people will need professional help to keep them from going right back into using the drug again. If he does manage to stop using amphetamine, he will be hit with the full effect of all the damage that amphetamine has been doing. He will feel the full effects that the stimulant has been covering up. Like depression, disinterest in life, anxiety and severe fatigue.

He no longer has artificial means of boosting his mood or energy. He will feel the full effect of the nutritional and physical depletion that would naturally result from depriving the body of what it needs. He is going to feel terrible physically. The depression is likely to make him feel that he will never feel better in the future.

The good news is that he can be guided back to a recovery from amphetamine addiction. It takes a program that provides generous support as soon as the person comes through the door of the rehab facility. And it will take time to rebuild his interest in life and ability to create a new, sober life. The Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program offers the steps that can bring this person back to ability and interest in life.

How the Narconon Program Rehabilitates the Amphetamine Addict

The first thing that must be done when a person arrives at a Narconon rehab facility is to begin to deal with the typical malnutrition suffered by the addict. Generous nutritional supplements calm the body and begin to lift the mood. Calming assists provide relaxation and reorientation. Within a very short time of his arrival at rehab, a person can begin to feel hope of real recovery.

Over time, an amphetamine addict will normally have lost his self-respect and personal integrity. In order for him to face life honestly again, he will have to recover these qualities. This recovery is built into the Narconon program. Each person will learn how personal integrity is lost and how it can be repaired. As they work their way through this phase of the program, it is common for the participants to describe a “weight being lifted” from their shoulders as they find relief.

What follows is learning how some associates can lead the recovering addict back into relapse and how these dangerous associates can be handled. This ability is basic to finding stable sobriety. From there, the person in recovery will learn how to address and overcome obstacles in life so that setbacks would not drive him back into drug abuse. Addiction can at last be replaced with a productive, enjoyable and drug-free life.

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